The easiest way to get people signed up. Period.

Let our platform do the heavy lifting
when running any type of activity.

Signup logistics are a ton of work

• Creating & populating calendar events

• Sending text reminders

• Communicating last minute changes

• Dealing with cancellations
• Data tracking for optimization

A turnkey interface for your
activity or program.

  • UX/UI that understands the process
  • Pushed calendar events
  • SMS & Whatsapp reminders
  • Management delegation features
  • Social media integration
  • Data collection tools
  • Quality control systems
  • Universal updates
  • Internal messaging for cancellations
  • Automated / exportable analytics
  • Mobile optimized

This isn’t a PR stunt. This isn't a one-off event.
This is genuine employee engagement through volunteering;
and it's as
low or high commitment as you want it to be.

And if philanthropy is your focus,
we have experience with that.

"The results have been nothing short of amazing. William has had an immediate effect and the place has never looked so good!"

 Kristen Evans, Rocket Dog Rescue

"Working with William felt like we were going to a very targeted, thoughtful approach. The process was simple, direct, and met a real need on our part."

Katie Derrig, Operation Dignity

"William's impact of Bridge has been immediate. By connecting us to local companies we have completely alleviated the need for volunteers during our two major weekday events."

Walter Campbell, PAWS

"Finding volunteers with the right skill sets for what we need is incredibly difficult. Thanks to William this bottleneck appears to have been opened."

Dan Olson, The Freedom Story


  • Virtual / Remote factors?

    Works great for virtual events or in-person activities.We have specialized features for both types of programs!

  • What types of events is this for?

    Almost anything! A volunteer program with regular weekly shifts, a large event where you need to coordinate many different teams, even a single event.

  • Why are the costs?

    Just 1$ a month for all of our early adopters!

  • Size of programs / companies?

    Our key utility is making it possible for a single person to manage massive volunteer programs with just a few minutes per week. The max size is as big as your imagination. 

  • Why can't I do this internally?

    If you are managing large programs of volunteers, the logistics alone are full-time job. You could do it on your own, but why?

Schedule a free consultation today.

Join the waitlist / Schedule a call
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